jan 28th

and so, Armed with my trusty Spatula, Flip, I began the quest of making, and eating, a bacon sandwich.

you know whats Amazing... I had no idea that there was a diet that consisted of bacon. but wow... this package is recommended by the South Beach diet. i think i love you South Beach Diet.

and now, it was time to begin the cooking of the bacon.
i tried to do some abracadabra magic on the pieces to make them cook... but i dont think im a powerful enough wizard yet

"its okay master" said Flip to me
"this is what i was bred for"
so off Flip went, fufilling his teflon destiny

I had to, of course, administer a taste test. it wasnt that i didnt trust Flip... he had served me well for months... but i just HAD to make sure the bacon was exquisit.
"Flip... you've done it again... it tastes deelish"
"thank you master, i live to serve you"
"thats what i like to hear"
After making every single piece of bacon in the package, it was now time to begin the building. I remembered the immortal quote from field of dreams... "if you build it, it'll taste awesome".

I thought for a moment... 'this bacon sandwich is going to need an extra bit of flare'
and so, it was decided, i would add the most holy of ingredients

the massive beauty was ready for consumtion.
and so... i began... to eat, The bacon sandwich

Oh bacon sandwich, how i love thee
i would write poems about thee
i would sing songs
i would drink wine while i obliterate your face

however... after what seemed like an eternity... I could not continue.
i was defeated by the mighty beast that was the bacon sandwich.
it was to much for a humble man such as my self to handle.